Welcome to the Heart of the Civil War Heritage Area’s Preservation Education portal. Teachers, administrators, parents, and tour operators will find resources for teaching the Civil War and planning student trips. Make the Heart of the Civil War your "base camp" for a transformative student travel experience. 


Curricular Materials for Teachers

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Trip Planning Tools

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I would use this lesson in a number of contexts. [...] As I teach other areas of history besides the Civil War, I feel that this lesson could be adapted to meet the standards of my other classes [or] to wrap up a field trip experience.

Andrew, middle school teacher, West Virginia

I think this is a great lesson that has a real connection to the 8th grade curriculum. [...] Teachers would find this to be a valuable field trip. I think it would bring sense of validity and realness to this topic.

Jessica, elementary school teacher, Maryland

I could use this lesson in multiple areas: [...] as an introduction to the Civil War or during a specific unit on Civil War soldiers. The primary sources are so descriptive that students can’t help but put themselves in a soldiers’ shoes. Since my 8th graders actually go to Gettysburg as part of their spring trip, it would be a great addition to the lesson we teach prior to going.

Mara, middle school teacher, Wisconsin
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The Heart of the Civil War Heritage Area's Preservation Education Initiative is generously funded by the Delaplaine Foundation and a grant from the Department of Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior. Additional support was provided by the Frederick County Tourism Reinvestment in Promotion & Product program. For information about the other great things to see and do in Frederick County: 800-999-3613 or www.Visitfrederick.org. 

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